Friends of Haiti Providence University



Building Construction

Classrooms and additional space for administrative offices continues to be a priority at Haiti Providence University. Donations are needed to complete classroom buildings and to furnish equipment needed for the health services and nursing programs. 

The university currently has plans to build a 1000-seat dining hall which will be constructed in multiple phases. This facility will accommodate the growing student body, as well as the faculty and staff. In the future, this space can be used to host conferences with large numbers of attendees.

The university is located in a rural area; food markets are some distance from the university and its neighboring community, Balan. Thus, this facility will also serve as a public food market, an extension of the food service provided for the student population. The market may additionally serve the local residents (as a business operation separate from the university).

Initial concept plans have been developed, but we need your financial support to complete the final design and the first phase of building construction.